Save the Date for our 2nd Touch a Truck and Community Resource Event! Sunday, August 11 from 10:30 to 1:00 p.m. In the parking lot of Wilson Area High School 424 Warrior Lane, Easton Backpacks, school supplies, and other items will be distributed. Free hot dogs and sodas for the first 200 attendees provided by Grateful Dogs. Local resources and community organizations to connect you to services. Tons of family fun!
You are invited to our next coalition mixer!
The goal of the Wilson Area Communities That Care Coalition is to encourage healthy youth development. Come out to meet your neighbors, provide feedback on what makes our community strong, and enjoy some great food! A complimentary buffet dinner will be offered and children are welcome to attend. WHEN? Tuesday, April 30 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. WHERE? Wilson Area Intermediate School Multipurpose Room, 2400 Firmstone Street, Easton (use the Athletics Entrance) There is no fee for this event but…
LINCS Now Hiring Summer Playground Staff
Candidates are now being considered for a Summer Playground Coordinator position as well as Summer Playground lead teachers and assistants. The LINCS Summer Playground is a four week recreational program for elementary and early intermediate school aged students that offers a safe environment for play, exercise, and building social skills. Games, organized sports, arts and crafts, reading, and social activities are featured. This year, the program will run from Monday, July 8 to Thursday, August 1, 2024 at Wilson Borough…
Presentación del Plan de Acción Comunitario
¡Está invitado a la presentación del plan comunitario de Comunidades que se preocupan del área de Wilson! El objetivo de nuestra coalición es fomentar el desarrollo saludable de los jóvenes. ¡Ven a ver nuestras recomendaciones para la comunidad del área de Wilson! Se ofrecerá una cena buffet de cortesía y los niños podrán asistir. Jueves 21 de marzo 6:00 a 7:30 pm Cafetería de la escuela secundaria del área de Wilson 424 Guerrero Lane, Easton No hay ningún costo para…
Community Action Plan Presentation
You are invited to the Wilson Area Communities That Care community plan presentation! The goal of our coalition is to encourage healthy youth development. Come see our recommendations for the Wilson Area community! A complimentary buffet dinner will be offered and children are welcome to attend. Thursday, March 21 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Wilson Area High School Cafeteria 424 Warrior Lane, Easton There is no fee for this event but registration is required for catering purposes: Please RSVP through this…
Wilson Area Communities That Care Coalition February Mixer
The mission of the Wilson Area Communities That Care Coalition is to promote healthy youth development and to prevent problem adolescent behaviors in the Wilson Area School District Community. We also seek to foster increased collaboration and cooperation in the community in order to best serve the needs of our youth. If you would like to learn more about how we plan to do this, please consider attending our next free community-building family dinner and social event! Join us on…
Photos with Santa Registration is LIVE!
Purchase your advance tickets today and receive a free adult size t-shirt at check-in on the day of the event! $5 includes the photo, snack, games, a craft, and fun! Photos With Santa
LINCS Food Drives and Wilson Boro Fest Collection
LINCS is holding two food drives between now and November 13. We are also collecting food on all three days of the Wilson Boro Festival. Lists of needed items are below for our Thanksgiving meals and our weekly Warrior bag distribution for district students. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE LINCS Family Center distributes preparations for Thanksgiving meals to over 60 families in the school district each November. We are currently collecting supplies for our annual holiday food drive. Needed items include canned cranberry sauce,…
Read Our Newsletter!
Visit this link to read our latest newsletter!
Learn More About the Wilson Area Communities That Care Coalition!
Sign up to receive our new coalition e-newsletter! Or schedule a quick meeting with the Community Mobilizer to learn more about our goals and how you can help by emailing What-is-CTC