We had a wonderful group of volunteers help to maintain the teaching garden over the summer. As a result, fresh produce was offered on a weekly basis to those who came to our food pantry.
In May, LINCS presented our Volunteer Challenge Project at Steel Stacks. We were one of 30 organizations who paired with local businesses to complete our garden renovation. ZeKraft was great to work with and we appreciatedĀ all of the time and resources they donated. The program was offered through the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley and the owners of ZeKraft and their employees offered hands-on help to renovate our garden and prepare for planting. In addition to replacing raised beds, cardboard was put down to block weed growth then covered with weed barrier and mulch.
All of the work that was completed in the spring came to fruition this summer with the help of our dedicated weekly volunteers who were able to keep the plants alive and thriving during an extended dry spell. Thank you!