We are asking for assistance from the local community to help support our continued efforts in providing food to over 100 Wilson Area School District students each week.
LINCS is looking for nutritious and kid-friendly but lightweight donations to include in our weekend meal bags for our students experiencing food insecurity.
Needed items include:
Microwave mac and cheese cups, shelf-stable microwave meals, ramen, noodle or rice cups, packets or boxes of soup, or stew, pasta and sauce in pouches or aseptic packaging, and dry soup packets. Fruit and snacks are also needed including fruit cups, applesauce cups or squeeze packs, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, crackers, and fruit leather.
Monetary donations are also always accepted through our website https://www.lincsfamilycenter.org/donate/ or you are welcome to write a check and mail it to LINCS Family Center, 2400 Firmstone Street, Easton, PA 18042. The Wilson Area LINCS Family Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Please call 484-373-6200 or email LINCS@wilsonareasd.org to schedule a time to drop off donations.