Community Coalition Organizes to Promote Healthy Youth Development as Part of State Prevention Effort

During National Prevention Week and Mental Health Awareness Month, LINCS Family Center is announcing the organization of a community coalition to encourage healthy youth development in the Wilson Area School District Community. 

The LINCS coalition will apply the Communities That Care (CTC) model throughout their activities. CTC is an evidence-based coalition model that targets the prevention of substance misuse, school dropout, delinquency, violence, and mental health among youth. It has been widely implemented with demonstrated success throughout communities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1998.

For this effort to succeed, coalition members are needed.  The coalition will use recent data to identify community needs, evaluate current programs, and develop an action plan to address these needs. Organizations and individuals who are interested in learning more are encouraged to email or call 484-373-6200. 

The LINCS Family Center currently offers a weekly food pantry for almost 550 families a year, a weekend meal program for almost 100 students each week, a teaching garden which provides produce for the pantry, and a summer playground program offering a safe space for elementary students to learn and play.
